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Preparation is essential to your successful completion of the web workshop. Before moving to the next module  WEB 2.0, you will need:

Quiet time, free from distractions

Open your Gmail account and create a document in Google Drive, (formally Docs) and name it “Journal.” If you do not have a Gmail account or do not know how to create a document in Google Drive, click the three minute video to learn how to create one.

If you would like to start formatting, open your lesson plan in MS Word. You will cut and paste your lesson plan into the format given on the Pennsylvania Standard Aligned System (PA SAS) Website.  When you are ready, click to  continue your PREP and learn more about formatting for the PA SAS. 

You are in PREP, next module  WEB 2.0

Gmail and Google Drive

PREP completion approx: 1/2 hour

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